Southwest Airlines '2 FREE Tickets' Scam

What better way to end a near-5 month blog hiatus with a post calling out a scam?

I noticed that my Facebook news feed was cluttered with nonsensical repetitions of a certain website. Certain Facebook friends do clutter my news feed with the trivial aspects of life as well as websites that achieve no purpose, but there was something that caught my attention. People are praising Southwest Airlines while sharing a link that redirects users to a website, which claims to send 2 FREE Southwest Airlines Tickets when re-sharing the link.

How I came to the conclusion that it's a scam:
The website claims that "The offer will expire Wednesday...or when the remaining 973 flight vouchers have been given out." The number then begins decreasing as if people are actually buying the vouchers; however, if you simply refresh the page, the number resets to 973 and begins counting down again. Not to mention the 1613, indicating the number of users that have shared the link, also remains the same.

For all I know, this could be an inside job within Southwest trying to access Facebook users' information via a marketing scam. This could also be an outside job, with hackers attempting to compromise the sensitive information of naive Facebook users who log in and share the link.

But most of you probably knew this anyway.

If anyone actually receives the tickets, show me proof and I'll remove this post!


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