New Bench Press Program

Just started a new bench press program which will increase a 1-rep max on the bench press by nearly 30 lbs over a span of 14 workouts. Works out chest 2 times every 6 days. So by doing the math - within 42 days if all goes well, the 1-rep max will be 30lbs more than it currently stands.

My max at the beginning of the program: 185 x 1 with a spotter.
And yes, it's with correct form: thumbs wrapped around the front of the bar, grip shoulder-width apart, elbows tucked in, lowered completely down to the chest, and pushed completely up.

Time to up the protein, carbs, healthy fats, and H2O like never before.

EDIT: Max at the end of the program: 200 x 1 without a spotter. So a 15lb increase in bench press isn't bad, in about 1-2 months. I can't complain.


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