New Smartphone - HTC Desire Z (T-mobile G2)

Just upgraded to an unlimited data plan from T-mobile w/ a 2 year contract agreement, along with a free HTC G2 smartphone (above).

I previously had the HTC G1, the first phone with Android version 1.5. After much research I started getting into Android development, and ended up rooting the G1 (synonym for jailbreaking), which allowed me to upgrade to Android 2.1. I previously purchased two G1's back in 2008 (one for me, one for my mom) without the data plan and sold the other for double the price, resulting in mine being free. My goal was to do the same for the G2, but a data plan contract is mandatory on all smartphones now.

The data plan and unlimited texting are more wants than needs; after you start putting the data plan to full use it turns into a need...


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