Facebook's Struggles

When Facebook went public on May 18, 2012, there were two kinds of investors: those that jumped the gun and those that evaluated Facebook's profit model and decided to wait. The IPO offering of FB was set at 38.00 and slowly spiraled downwards as the months went by, plummeting as low as 17.70 at one point in September 2012. Since the August 2012 time frame FB stock has been floating around the 18-21 mark. The stock price has dropped nearly 45% since the IPO. Facebook has struggles that it needs to overcome in order to satisfy investors and grow its profits. Is Facebook a necessity? Facebook began in 2004, around the time that Google decided to go public. By this time, Google was already establishing itself as the 800 lb. gorilla on the World Wide Web. In a world dominated by technology, Google has become a necessity both for personal and professional users. Although there is a rise in the number of Baby Boomers using Facebook in 2012, it does not come close to the number ...